Big Brothers Big Sisters of Danville Area held our Annual Pancake Breakfast on December 14, 2024, in the large dining room of SOVAH, Danville, VA. In addition to SOVAH Health being one of our sponsors, Litehouse Foods, Inc has become a major corporate sponsor. Sixty-seven participants of youth, volunteers, and parents attended the event where the Grinch was the star of the show.
Photo 1: Kayla, Finance, and Moe, the Director of Litehouse Foods, Inc with other members of the team serve the families at the Pancake Breakfast 2024.
Photo 2: Jion Word, member, helps little and parent with games and crafts.
Photo 3: One of the Littles learns about the "Life" game that he won at the Pancake Breakfast at SOVAH Health, Danville VA.
Photo 4: Big Queen spends time with the Grinch.
Photo 5: The Grinch, Director of Litehouse Foods, Inc served breakfast and gave away prizes and gifts.
Photo 6: Boad Members Melvena Beasley and Sandy Wingate and CEO Pat Daniel spending time with the Grinch. Photo 7: Big Curtis and Little Omir spend time with the Grinch.