In the top left hand corner, (pictured from left to right) is Marvin Martin, Ed Thomas, Larry Ford and our very own Executive Director, Pat Daniel. These members of Kappa Alpha Psi fraternity contributed a bike for our raffle. In the top right hand corner is Nicole Tyler form the Tunstall High school Interact Club. She donated a generous amount of children’s books that were presented. In the bottom left hand corner(from left to right) is Craig and Tammy from Negril who also donated a bike for our raffle. And last but not least,(from left to right) is Kayle Rejino, Tanya Zeigler, Pat Daniel, and Kara Rising from Zinc salon. They contributed a monetary donation towards the bike raffle. There were also helmets donated for each and every bike that was given to a child.
We would also like to especially thank: Danville Regional Medical Center, American National Bank, Fisher and Watkins Funeral Home, The Highlander, Calvary Baptist Church, Cheryl Clark, Jeffrey Haley, Jean Walker and family, The City of Danville Customer Service Employees, West Main Baptist Church, Jessie Barksdale, Mt. Hermon Baptist Church, Alpha Phi Alpha fraternity, Delta Sigma Theta Sorority, First Baptist Church, and Serena Rigsby.
We appreciate ALL of your contributions!