Latest News

A Trip to the Kaleideum North Museum

Approximately 40 “littles”, “Bigs” and staff went to the Kaleideum North Museum (SciWorks) in Winston-Salem, NC on Friday, July 27th. The museum includes interactive science learning areas, a planetarium, exhibits, and an outdoor environmental park. They all had an opportunity to learn about the solar system and galaxy. After a day of learning, the youth and volunteers enjoyed a meal at the local K&W.

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Annual Fellowship Picnic

The Moriah C. Price Mission’s team of the Loyal Baptist Church hosted their  for Big Brothers Big Sisters of Danville Area. Hamburgers, hot dogs, and sweet treats made the day for twenty littles and friends. The Mission’s team provided back to school packets for each child present. It was all about fun and games.  

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Coach Johnson Recognized for Dedication to His Little

Harry and Aaron have been matched for seven years in March. When they met, the volunteer had retired from the Danville Public Schools. He had been employed by the District for more than thirty years as a Varsity High School coach for boys’ basketball. The coach had winning state tiles and many boys to join the NBA. The main thing is that he had a genuine love and concern for children. He is one…

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Daniel Attends National BBBS Conference

Pat Daniel, Executive Director of BBBS of Danville Area and Charleston Edwards, BBBS of America Marketing, attended the National Conference in St. Louis MO. Charleston who is originally from Gretna, VA is instrumental in the planning and implementation of the national conference.    

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Littles Have Fun at Mt. Hernon Event

The Willing Servants Sunday School Class of The Mt. Hermon Baptist Church held its monthly event with the “littles” of Big Brothers Big Sisters of Danville Area on Monday, May 21st. The children played pickle ball, shot hoops, and Joe Nicholson taught them a lesson using the comparison of  various tree leaves. The night ended with a chicken dinner and as always there was a birthday celebration. This month two youth were recognized and…

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Littles Build Bird Houses

The Ascension Lutheran Church Men’s Fellowship assisted our male littles with building bird houses on May 17th. The youth learned how to use hammers, nails, and drills to complete each project. To finish off the night they had chicken (littles) and fries. For more information, call Pat Daniel (434)792-3700 Ext. 234.

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Seeing Double

Mayor John Gilstrap and Sherriff Mike Mondul joined together to participate in Ice Cream Day at Park Avenue Elementary School with the School Based “littles”. Marquarius, Malachi, Zachariah, and Zedikiah  that are pictured are two sets of twins. Along with 8 other children, they received a Treat For Being Sweet. For more information, please call Pat Daniel (434)792-3700 Ext. 234.

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End of the Year Bash

On Monday, May 14th  some of our  young ladies of Big Brothers Big Sisters of Danville Area combined with the Jr. Wednesday Club to celebrate the “End of the Year Bash”. There was a brief presentation of the “Do’s and Don’ts” of how young ladies should present themselves by the way they dress. Following this was  words by our Executive Director, Patricia Daniel about skin and haircare. There was a spaghetti dinner that was…

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Lights On in My Home

On Wednesday, April 18th Big Brothers Big Sisters of Danville Area joined together with The Ascension Lutheran Church Men’s Fellowship for an event entitled, “Lights On in My Home” . Male littles were able to conduct an electric experiment  teaching them how to change batteries and given a U/L approved tester to check electrical outlets. The littles will be participating in a building project with the Men’s Fellowship next month. For more information about…

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Bigs: Safety Training

On Tuesday, April 17th,  Big Brothers Big Sisters of Danville Area joined with The Averett University Men’s Basketball team for the “Bigs: Safety Training”. The purpose of this celebration was to encourage a better understanding of what is and what isn’t appropriate mentor behavior. Darin Ketner, James Contreras, and Brandon Baker were awarded with certificates for four years of dedicated services as mentors. Austin Deluca was awarded with a certificate for two years of…

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