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An Evening with Sheriff Mike Taylor

The “littles” of Big Brothers Big Sisters of Danville Area spent an evening with Sheriff Mike Taylor at the United Way, 308 Craghead St. on July 18, 2017. After dinner, the Sheriff gave the youth wise council about gang participation and the outcomes. He also led a discussion about the results of criminal activity and where it leads. Sheriff spoke about how criminal activity has a negative effect on the individual, family, and community….

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Pool Party

On July 17, 2017 15 littles from Big Brothers Big Sisters of Danville Area joined with the Mt. Hermon Willing Servants Sunday School Class for a pool party. There was a hot dog dinner, strawberry shortcake, and slushies prepared the kids. Thanks to the wonderful hostess for sharing their home with our agency. They have been providing this annual event for several years. For more information, please call Pat Daniel (434) 792-3700 Ext. 234….

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Danville City Jail Visit

Big Brothers Big Sisters of Danville Area visited the Danville City Jail on Wednesday, June 14th. Sheriff Mike Mondul accompanied the youth on the tour that showed the entire intake process from the Magistrate’s Office to Cell Block lock-up. Special thanks to Deputies Bray, Hairston, and Petty for their assistance. This program was sponsored by  the Community Foundation of the Dan River Region. For more information, call Pat Daniel at 434-792-3700, ext. 234.

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April Big/Little of the Month Announced!

Jordan Hyde has been a Big Sister to LaQuilla for five years. This has been a great match since the beginning. They always report what fun they have on their shopping trips and ice cream socials. Jordan supported her “little” as she made the transition to High School. She encouraged her and answered questions about being a “little” in a Big school. The Big of the month stands by her little in all of…

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The End of the Year Farewell

On Monday, May 8th Big Brothers Big Sisters of Danville Area celebrated “The End of the Year Farewell” with the Jr. Wednesday Club. The young women played games, ate dinner, and just enjoyed each other’s company. The “littles” had an opportunity to dress up and dine with their “Bigs For the Day.” This event, held at the United Way, was a big success. For more information, please call Pat Daniel (434) 792-3700 ext. 234.

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Big/Little of the Month

Mary Woods has been matched with youth almost 6 years.  She has started with the in school program but felt the youth would benefit more with the community based match. Ms. Woods states the youth has benefited more now as a teenager than the earlier years.  She instills in the youth the importance of school and good behavior. The volunteer uses her former professional skills in preparing the youth for the future. Mary often…

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Big Brothers Big Sisters Hosts Spelling Bee

On Saturday, March 18th Big Brothers Big Sisters of Danville Area held the local Scripps Spelling Bee at the Blount Chapel of Averett University. There were 20 participants from public and private, elementary, and middle schools in Danville and Pittsylvania Co. After 25 rounds, Ryan Crawford from Sacred Heart School was declared the winner. Aryan Kulkarni was the runner up. Ryan will advance to the Scripps National Spelling Bee at National Harbor, Maryland Sunday…

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“Inside the Penal System” Discussion

Fourteen “littles” and two parents attended a discussion with Sheriff Mike Mondul entitled “Inside the Penal System.” The High Sheriff gave the youth many examples of what would land them in the local facilities as well as maximum security facilities in the state and nation. Sheriff Mondul warned the students about involvement in gangs and the kinds of recruits they look for. The youth had lots of questions  for the speaker. This event was…

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Little Share Love at Saturday Feeding Program for Valentine’s Day

On Saturday, February 11th the youth of Big Brothers Big Sisters of Danville Area distributed boxes of Valentine’s chocolates to the Saturday Feeding Program participants at Moffett Memorial.  At a meeting the “littles,” decided to share their blessings ( from Family Dollar, Chatham with their permission) as a community service project.

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Cultural Experience at San Marcos

Once per month the Junior Wednesday Club of Danville provides an outing and learning experience for the littles of Big Brothers Big Sisters of Danville Area. This month was a cultural experience at San Marcos. Ten little sisters attended the event and interacted with six JWC mentors. For more information please call Pat Daniel (434)792-3700 EXT. 234.  

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