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July Big of the Month: Mr. Gerald Kelly

One day a member of the Big Brothers Big Sisters board came to the office, and said to send the owner of O’kelly’s a volunteer application. She informed us of how eager he was to become a Big. Gerald had a personal interview and all of his references reported the same thing. They implied that he would be an asset to a child and any other organization that is a part of. Gerald was…

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Big of the Year Announced

Big Brothers Big Sisters has awarded Daisy Simmons as the Big of The Year! The award was presented at the Danville-Pittsylvania County Chamber of Commerce’s Business After Hours event at the Big Brothers and Big Sisters of the Danville Area office recently. She and her little, Destiny Roberts have been matched for four years. Destiny’s grades and attitude have improved and Simmons has enjoyed watching her grow and evolve into a fine young lady….

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May Big of the Month Announced: Dr. Saria Saccocio

Dr. Saria Saccocio came to Big Brothers Big Sisters to do whatever she could to make our organization better. She became a board member almost three years ago. She headed our Board Development Committee and retooled our 2013-2015 Strategic Plan. In January, 2014 she became Vice President of Big Brothers Big Sisters of Danville Area. Nothing that she does as a Board Member compares to her love being a “Big”. Saria was matched with…

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A Big Thank You

Big Brothers Big Sisters of Danville Area would like to thank the individuals, organizations, and businesses for sponsoring our Annual Bowl for Kids’ Sake event held on March 8, 2014 at Riverside Lane. Read more…

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BBBS Danville Launches New Website

Big Brothers Big Sisters of Danville Area is pleased to announce the launch of its new website in early Summer 2014. In addition to containing information about the organization and its programs, the new website will feature a mobile-friendly design, developed for optimal viewing on any browser or mobile device. The website will also continue to feature news, announcements, photo galleries and upcoming events. The new website is built to be more easily maintained…

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April Big of the Month

Paul Dickerson and his “litte”, Naszier, have been matched for one year. The volunteer is dedicated to the program and the little. Weekly, the child and volunteer find something to do. Skatetown is their favorite spot. Other times, they go out to eat and watch movies. The volunteer and youth are health conscience. They go to the gym and attend health fairs. Paul is very interested in the child’s education and conduct. The “Big”…

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March Big of the Month

Tammy and Hermani have been matched for almost three years. Tammy is a dedicated “Big” who loves being a mentor. She says she feels as if her “little” is a part of her family. The volunteer always communicates with parent before going on activities, developing a good relationship with the parent. The youth appreciates the volunteer, and all that she has done for her. Hermani has become more social, and participates in the Band…

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